Taranda Elizaveta Gediminovna 30.08.1994, was born in Moscow in the family of the Bolshoi Theater soloist, Honored Artist Gediminas Taranda, and cultural commentator, TV presenter Marina Baranova
Graduated from the “MGHU at MGATT Gzhel” under the leadership soloist of the Bolshoi Theater A.A.Evdokimov in 2012.
Diploma winner of the “Moscow Ballet and Choreographers” Competition in 2013 as a dancer of choreography by K.Oyvental (“Rain” by S.S. Prokofiev)
Laureate of the All-Russian competition “Odessa Pearls” 2012
Internship at the “Russian Ballet College” Genoa Italy 2013/2014
Scholarship Holder of the Vladimir Spivakov Foundation “Talented Children”.
Higher education – Ballet critic GASK.
Currently she is principal dancer in the Royal Classical Ballet.